The way properties of matter change with heat
As the temperature of a black body decreases, the emitted thermal radiation decreases in intensity and its maximum moves to longer wavelengths.
So with sub atomic particles they change with heat
The amount of energy they emit
I guess it's to do with the interaction of those kinds of atoms
Like how we can easily observe ice to water to steam
Similar things happen to light and sub atomic particles
And they all obey these constants
But do many numbers being relative to each other makes a very logical system that is appearing to be so chaotic and endless
Like it's just trying to preserve the angular momentum
But like there is gravity
A black body at room temperature (23 °C radiates mostly in the infrared spectrum, which cannot be perceived by the human eye,[53] but can be sensed by some reptiles. As the object increases in temperature to about 500 °C, the emission spectrum gets stronger and extends into the human visual range, and the object appears dull red. As its temperature increases further, it emits more and more orange, yellow, green, and then blue light
Reptiles can see them hahaha
That's just interesting to read as it's a hypothetical object
But it's useful like to estimate the temperature of a planet moving around a star
Particles that follow Bose-Einstein statistics are called bosons, which have integer values of spin. In contrast, particles that follow Fermi-Dirac statistics are called fermions and have half-integer spins.
See how it's action and angular momentum because they are defined by their spin
It's ok you got this sunny