I haven't seen any fires but I have a constant notification on my phone about it
Dam I miss playing ctf on halo
I haven't really played the new zombies that much either, I tried maybe like three times
I just haven't played cod as a whole as much, I got into other games more
I loved zombies on bo cold war
Cartoon Network fusion fall
I was too late to getting a PC that was capable
I usually had nintendo consoles except for the 360 and xbox one
I just recently got spiderman 2 because it came out on PC finally, but that was a PlayStation exclusive for a while
I used to love some Diablo 😭 I actually played the mobile one for a bit when it came out I forget what it's called
But it's not like a go to game for me, I'm telling you I need something fast andcompetitive and risky
804 hours and I'm still not good
Hungry and lazy what do I order