There you go Rod, hit the high roller rooms ✌️
>>> Appreciate that!
All g bro
Hahaha, more hands for all y'all
Naked tiddies (and bare male asses too unfortunately) used to be regular on here
I started using it back in 15 or 16... I think, been very on and off it since then
But coming back this time seems very different
I heard someone saying the other day that nips are getting people jail time, even in dm
But in saying that, I've seen a few nice nip pics in public rooms that don't seem to ever get taken down
Ahhhh, that might be what they meant, it was always pretty easy to do time if someone reported you but
Bastards, who complains about nips in boob rooms, seriously?
Skynet is here to kill us all 😥
It's still cool to talk sheeeet with peeps, but boobs were cool inbetween nonsense chats
Lol, bigdawg got nips in his new room already 🤘
Same Rusty, maybe some rooms are more policed than others?
I was gonna ask for a link lol
Just make one I think, I've never tried
Would be hard to build one up successfullyand quickly these days though
A female name on the room would help with new joiners though, I suppose
Ass and thighs are still okay I guess