He needs to figure out what he wants and then commit
But also, i'm one hundred percent sure you can do better
>>> He wasnt ready to move on, i walked into t...
Yeah, that's called a rebound, and usually they don't work out
He was just being needy when he met you
It's okay, we all learned from our mistakes
So you're not alone. Don't beat yourself up over it. The important thing is to learn from it and move on
How invested are you in this relationship? Are you cohabiting?
If you're not livingtogether, then it's easy.Just tell him you need a break and he needs to figure stuff out
So just give him some space
Yeah, and ask him to give you some space until he knows what he wants
I doubt anyone would know who you were on here Even if they knew you, I r l
Bigger isn't always better
Most guys are just happy to have anyone to be with, regardless of boop size lol
Big onescan be really heavy and weigh a lot
Did you see the movie the dictator? They can be used as weapons l o l
There's such a thing as too big though
I mean, think about it if they're really big.What are you even going to do with all that.. It can be too much to handle. It's also painful for the people that have them.. They are heavy to carry around and women.Get back aches so not fun
That's why people get reductions. Plus they get in the way..
Can't button your shirts right, food all ends up on your cleavage, can't sleep on your stomach... It's easy for guys to say that, like big onesThey don't have to deal with them on a daily basis
Nope. Learn how to dress yourself