to be on anti you have to be angry biatch
angry at something doesnt matter what biatch
i can’t see my forehead 😠 biatch
hungry and tired can make anyone pissy biatch
do they keep asking you questions like to hang out and stuff biatch
are your friends texting you? biatch
jobs are for the week biatch
sweat more when you type biatch
be angry online its good for you biatch
being angry online gets you what you want in life biatch
especially if you want to get laid biatch
all those people who tweet like 200k times get so much pussy biatch
thats exactly how it works biatch
imagine caring so much to type angry but not put the screen away biatch
maturity will get to you one day biatch
das like half a sleep biatch
i love you all even you you sack of excrement but everyone else one love biatch
until we meet again biatch