There’s so much stuff going around right now. Hit my house thislast week
Pretty sure I had norovirus last week. And my daughter and wife have some flucold combo
📝 Ash ain’t got no time for that
It’s been an up and down night for me
First I was downstairs, now I’m upstairs
We put a man on the moon, but can’t have a smooth text only app
I like that last dig at the end 😂 like, come on
Newbs, I’m not asking for the world here, give golden showers a chance
Just lie back and relax then
My temp is 99.8, newbs can you take care of me please
There’s some weird stuff on YouTube for kids. Anybody’s kids getting into sprunkies? Lots of weird stuff mixed in there
Yep, I think they’re new. They seem harmless, but then weird YT people make inappropriate variations of it
I’m good with them playing Minecraft, helps them be creative etc. But watching people play on YT…the videos are endless
I’ll be the driver, no need for an uber
It would take a little planning, but probably yes 😀