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PP§¥ch W@®d 🤯21+

You have a soft spot for her heh
He likes me a little bit
Lmao 🤣🤣
That’s good at least
A pinch 🤔😂
Jumps over the fence*
Best I could come up with to represent a little bit 🤣🤣
Better than nothing I guess 😂
Kinda like me 😂
Gets into the snacks *
That’s debatable
Slaps the goat ... again 😠😠get outa them
Yelps and runs with a cookie*
The cat litter cookies he took away from the patients?
….spits it out * eww! Why was…they in the snack pile
LMFAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Confiscated snacks
No one's gonna eat the confetti cake anymore 🤣🤣
Where are the real snacks ?
Oh sorry for ruining the surprise 😂
Locked away
Can has one! ☝🏻
I have the only key 😁
Throw it over please
>>> Oh sorry for ruining the surprise 😂 It's ok I'll bring them back in a week they'll forget by then
You give them too much credit. It will only take an hour
🤣🤣🤣🤣 probably
I’m right here….
I thought you were left there
No it was here…..
Pretty sure it was there
Who knows
Now give me the snack key
Throws the goat confetti cakes
….places them aside ….i don’t trust these
They're safe
Inspects them and takes it apart * mmmm
Eats it *
Good aren't they 🤣🤣
….they taste funny….