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i remember not getting kaguya at all :| I should rewatch it someday
I mean kaguya is a retelling of an old folk tale if I recall properly
Yea it's the tale of the bamboo cutter. Just get the book and enjoy it and then rewatch it. It was so beautiful ❤️
book? you've read it?
New anime original series animated by hohands
If you know the reference then you kinda cool
Leo she was abandoned by Ragna in ep3😟 so she's looking for a new guardian >.> <.<
Not really
Plus the reason why she was left behind was for a reason
wait you think so? i remember not being any good reason for this decision, also it being super weird the only things shown in the show were - leo asking ragna to not to be left alone - leo being super dependent on ragna, like not being able to brush her own teeth - ragna doing nothing about this, ensuring that she'll be okay, just leaving also the reasons for him to leave were very hand-wavy
Ragna left Leo because he saw a future where she died being with him
He left her behind to keep her out of danger
How are you guys?
Not bad. Hbu
Ohh cute
Legit right
It hits the right notes for a mature aged romance story
Hello everyone I’m shadow
How’s it going
Not bad hbu
Pretty much same
Nice nice okay. Y'all keen for anything coming next year
Solo leveling season 2 is coming out
Just that one?
I’m not sure what other ones are coming out but that’s the one I’m most hype for
Oh fair fair
Take a look on my anime list
Then seasonals winter 2025
How I do that?
Google it
Like the place is called myanimelist
Yea I found it lmfao there’s some cool looking ones
Nice nice bro