Friend does same things lol 😆 given certain circumstances n situation anyone can be either
Thanks for the gift bovine
Friend and foe is samethings look
I mean like in situation or circumstances
I don’t mind friend or foe cause I went learn how to gets monster size arms n book smart brawling skills
I’ve actually learnt more from foes lol 😝
I sometimes ignorant or talk nonsense lmao 🤣 ain’t like always being quiet the naturally smart can learn for themselves
Hahaha 🤣 cause I learn different ain’t naturally smart had to go learn how to learn
Uh huh madness n book smart 😏 🤭
I gets a rush from the unknown like madness or thinking crazy stuff
I use to gets rush from just sadistic lol 😂
I’m glad I went geeky not just brute n Sado
Occult fascinates a lot also and maths
Those things what getsme that mischievous excitement
Well I ain’t like just physically brute
Like book smart ya can’t think like that lol 😂 like only yaself matters
That ain’t street smart thingy
Ya have to still be able to stoop and flatter and be with people dats book smart
Like some can do that lmao 🤣 I didn’t become geeky by hiding from my weakness
Them can figure things out on their own