Turn me arse into a misfit though lol 😆
Some been reading or watching history channel or documentaries lol 😆
Them happy like apes in a cage lol 😆
I rather beers and wine and champagne lol 😆
I’m trying to learn how to act effeminate also lol 😆
Pigs don’t mind nastiness lol 😂 dats why I like pigs is real beast
Real intelligent animal spirit guide them lol lmao 🤣
Hahaha 🤪 them brothers the is something at crackhead number one
Like that’s creative writing they have big courses on them things lol 😆
Dats me madness and mad people and a lot of reading and smoking up n drinking up taught me that grammar
Why u talking out ya biz like that bout what u gonna sing lmao 🤣 that’s villager mentality u don’t hear famous singers doing that 🤭
Cause them is devious lol 😆 that’s the nature of thebeast
That’s why them is doing big things lol 😆