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I hope you're having a good day ! Lilli
It's ok department of health is here can't wait for them to leave
Good morning, Lilli ☕️ ☕️
Morning Sir
How did it go With the department of health ???
Good i didn't get any deficiencies. Mostly paper work stuff social services didn't do
Well that's good 👍
Yes my infection control and education was good. Everything up to date. Mostly other departments mistakes
My facility is one of the better ones in my area so when they come in they don't really do too much investigating
That's because you do your job the way it's supposed to be done.
I read the results of our audit Thursday, excellent ratings in every department that I was in charge of.
Over all we got an excellent rating-score
That's great
They're good for another 3 years
Ours is yearly or until someone makes a complain
Ours was an ISO certification
It's ISO # 13485
It's specific to medical manufacturing
Oh ok
Good morning ☕️ ☕️ Lilli
Morning Sir
Blue skies and sunshine today !!
It's a beautiful day
Howdy y’all
Hey, Lilli
Hi Sir how r u
No complaints here, Lilli
How was your day ?
Good morning
Morning everyone
Good morning Lilli
Morning Sir
Happy PI Day !
U too. Today is actually my birthday
Happy Birthday 🎂 Lilli
Thank u
You're welcome Lilli, I hope you're having a great day !!
I did. I'm having dinner with my family on Sunday
Wind is bad here today
It's been dreary here all day
Yea here too but wind is bad it blew over a fence panel
We're not getting the wind here
It warmed up though
Yea been warm the last few days
Power is put
Still got rain
Hope everyone is doing well
Rain is clearing up but alot of ppl without power
Morning everyone.
Late night everyone
Good morning Lilli
Morning Sir
How ya been ?
Ok how bout u
I can't complain
It's beautiful out today
Yes it is !!
Have a good day Lilli
U too Sir
How goes it ? Lilli
Ok how r u Sir
At least it's Friday
I'm having a moment, Lilli
Aww I'm sorry
It's not a bad one
My best friend growing up called me earlier
And reminded me what we were doing on March 21st 1984
We were at the Spectrum in Philly watching Van Halen in concert
Good times indeed !!
Aww glad it was good
Good morning Lilli ☕️ ☕️
Morning Sir
Allergy season 🤧 has officially begun
Yea i hate it
Claritin to the rescue
I take Alka seltzer cold and severe cold
Whatever works for ya
The headaches started the other day
Yea i had a runny nose and sneezing like crazy
Nose was blocked one minute then opens up and runs the next
I got the congestion and the headache
The Claritin seems to work for me
I used to take that years ago and then it stopped working
I didn't take it at all last year
Oh ok
Everything is starting to bloo.
Yes it is
I'm just glad winter is finally done
Yea warmer weather needs to come
Good morning Lilli
Hi Sir