I’m breathing no complaints here
We're gonna get pumbled tomorrow
I only see rain for tomorrow
It's gonna be a soggy one
Yea at least it's only 1 day
It was a soggy drive home
I hope you're having a good day ! Lilli
It's ok department of health is here can't wait for them to leave
Good morning, Lilli ☕️ ☕️
How did it go With the department of health ???
Good i didn't get any deficiencies. Mostly paper work stuff social services didn't do
Yes my infection control and education was good. Everything up to date. Mostly other departments mistakes
My facility is one of the better ones in my area so when they come in they don't really do too much investigating
That's because you do your job the way it's supposed to be done.
I read the results of our audit Thursday, excellent ratings in every department that I was in charge of.
Over all we got an excellent rating-score
They're good for another 3 years
Ours is yearly or until someone makes a complain
Ours was an ISO certification
It's specific to medical manufacturing
Blue skies and sunshine today !!