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π˜Ύπ˜Ύπ™€π™ͺπ™œπ™–π™§π™¨ 𝙉' 𝘾π™ͺ𝙗𝙨

>>> Lizzz sometimes I think about you at night... take this fake lock off
Hi lizz
It's me armadillo just on a new account lol
hi bby
How have you been? 😁
Good morning
Pizza time
any cougars want this boy?
Anyone? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
o he talks
I do
Please anyone on here o can talk to
Are you the matchmaker ghost? πŸ˜‚
Oh yeah lizz I'm saving for a motorcycle
helmet first pls
I have my dad's helmet and jacket lying around somewhere for now
ok good
have ur license already?
Nope but that's the easy part I'm just waiting to be done with first block of uni
Also I was stupid enough to give love another chance πŸ™ƒ
hey there
Heyyy everyone
Hi ladies
>>> Also I was stupid enough to give love anot... πŸ˜†
Hey cougars
>>> πŸ˜† Yeah πŸ˜…
41 married female needs her lil cuddle cubby
verify Lucy
dont come here with ur random nonsense
Hey all
Yay it's my bday