You dm’d me about him before 🤭
Nah that doesn’t sound like me I got a smol pp
Guys say that so when you get to see it it’s bigger than expected
is it true that the pimp fks all the ho"s before he puts them out to work J?
>>> Guys say that so when you get to see it it...
go check n report back mami
mine looks bigger in a woman's hands 😏
Do you know what a woman says when she sees a big one ? 😏
you don't know? But i know 😏😂
Well mate , Id say the impressed gaze were enough for me
Words a weak son , expressions tell more if u ask me
How are yall doing today btw ?
Good but stressful, tomorrow big french test
Let's take weedy's silence as lack of experience at this point 🤣
He might be making dinner 🍽️
Open wide. I’ll feed you hahaha