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🇺🇸USA Chat 🇺🇸

I never saw that one
He has that voice tho
Watch it. Your heart is gonna break, but it'll be worth it
I mean like relaxing. Like Morgan freeman's voice. They can read the ingredients off the back of a can of soup and pit me to sleep 🤣
Hey everyone
I have this app called BetterSleep. I use it during the night. There's a woman on there called Aster. She has one of those voices that just puts me out
Hello. New York here
Hi Mimi
Hi Nyjjeff
Hi lilli
Afternoon USA 🌞✌️🕴🏻
How r u
Wifey !
Who said that
Hey everyone
Hi Evil
Hey Lilli, it's been awhile since I've been on Anti....looks like I haven't missed much
Yea pretty much the same but this room is good
Hi bbw I
Sowrowarru m
Sorry I Sorry I can't text tonight
Ok then don't
I'm very nr0
Very drunk tro
Yehanesgj o am
Ok go pass out somewhere then
Ugh someone else who doesn't talk
big dummy fr
Good morning girls
Good afternoon
Hi Irok
Hi Lilli, what's up
Nothing just relaxing
How bout u
The cat brought those babies back, but they turned completely wild
Awww maybe they will warm up to u
They hid under an outside shower. Took me like an hour to get them out yesterday. Then today I almost had to break down the shower after they got stuck behind it. I had so much trouble with them, it feels like I was hit by a train
They r mischievous 🤣
These cats are just crazy. Another one of the cats had babies again somewhere we don't know, and one of the other cats stole 2 of the babies and now she's raising them
Good afternoon