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What’s good people! how are you all?
Hello you
What’s everyone up to?
It’s a lot weird men in this group chat
That’s every group chat
Believe it or not there’s a lot less than there used to be
>>> It’s a lot weird men in this group chat We prefer the term "extraordinary" 😂
That’s definitely a perspective shift. 🤔
I was not expecting anyone to claim the title so proudly
Eh everybody is weird to somebody and nobody is normal really.
Hope ya been well queenie 🤙
I’ve been good Mimir 😁
Honestly I’ve been playing on my Xbox a whole lot lately
Oooh 👀 fellow xbox user eh?
What ya been playing?
It came out on game pass like a week or so ago
Still haven’t checked that out 🤔 although I’m mostly into simulators and stuff like that 😂
My “☝️🤓 “ self lmfao
When you say simulator do you mean like flight simulator or like goat simulator
Flight sim, arma, various other sims like mechanic and stuff
Goat sim is gold though that’s a fun one to play drunk
😂 so I’ve heard
Also like my RTS’ and board games lmao
Real time strategy
Oh is that like civilization?
Civilization is turn based and not really strategy
That’s more just a table top city building hex based game
I like civ but nah RTS are like command and conquer
Company of Heroes
Halo Wars
Endwar, Total War series etc etc
Ah got it
Can’t say I’ve ever played one of those
Wouldn’t say that’s surprising it’s real nerd stuff
Girl to write? Need help
Yo 👋🏾