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Any plans this weekend?

Any plans this weekend?
Still waiting on you to make my massage appt
I accidentally made one for myself. Good news is YOURE paying for it!
Fine. Iā€™m not paying for a happy ending for you though!šŸ˜‚
I got you one tomorrow 10 am with Ying
Awesome. She is great!
Good! For what I paid she better be
I take care of that myself
ā˜ ļø
Not really. Iā€™m moving into a new place so just going to get the final agreement sorted then Iā€™d probably spend the whole weekend playing something or talking to my mombest friend.
Steak night, video games, 420#blazeit, drink with buddies in discord, Binge One Piece a little more, make a load during the process. Maybe get some worms.
Which episode of One Piece are you on?
Is this your first time watching it?
What about you?