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Any plans this weekend?

Any plans this weekend?
Still waiting on you to make my massage appt
I accidentally made one for myself. Good news is YOURE paying for it!
Fine. I’m not paying for a happy ending for you though!😂
I got you one tomorrow 10 am with Ying
Awesome. She is great!
Good! For what I paid she better be
I take care of that myself
Not really. I’m moving into a new place so just going to get the final agreement sorted then I’d probably spend the whole weekend playing something or talking to my mombest friend.
Steak night, video games, 420#blazeit, drink with buddies in discord, Binge One Piece a little more, make a load during the process. Maybe get some worms.
Which episode of One Piece are you on?
Is this your first time watching it?
What about you?