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Tis meatballs and spaghetti 🍝 for a reason

Tis meatballs and spaghetti 🍝 for a reason
ma’am we have closed your tab and are politely requesting you leave without resorting to violence pls and ty
Nah we need to call backup
Imma tha whole arse backup ya need no one else
Yikes ima call the army rq
Haff faith mate haff I got claws 🦞
Claws gonna do nun with tanks
Tanks ain’t fitting tha back alley don’t worry 😉
Ok then they’ll be sending drones instead
Tha ain’t happenin meet me in the back alley rn
youre right i didnt like all my teeth being in my head anyhow 🫡
Come ‘ere lemme beautify ya marble face
pls and ty this include a lobotomy?
Naw only outside 😁 we don’t deal wit tha inner demons. They yours
this post was sponsored by vodka
And redbull brings the bruises
ay you aint wrong there CHEERS BIG EARS