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I just renewed my ps plus recently and also bought a ps5
375 for a 1tb slim with dbz skin on it
It has a disc compartment too
I still have my ps4 though. I’m gonna give it to my kid sister
That’s nice of you
Took me 2 mins to figure out dbz. But I got there
The 4 month old dragon age is on ps plus today.
Came out Halloween
And TMNT collection came out today too. And Sonic colors.
Solid month of ps plus
And what about filth?
How do I tell my girlfriend she’s a little ugly?
>>> How do I tell my girlfriend she’s a little... Tell her that she looks like Marjorie Taylor greene
Try washing your hands or wearing a glove
What do any of you know about secret filth?
I can make jokes too.
They’re just not very funny.
Is filth actually that edgy, or is it just dirty?
I like mathematics.
Did anyone else watch Ren and Stimpy growing up?
I just wonder if art can warp the brain.
Yukno what can warp your brain
Ren and Stimpy were hilarious though
Happy, happy. Joy, joy. 🎶
June 🙌🙌🙌
Hi 👋
People don’t find my filth monologues funny ☹️
That hurts my feelings 🥺
Why do you think that they tried to set me up on base?
They didn’t arrest me though. They just did mind games.
Got me to resign.
F31 Latina new to this chat space! Haha
Did you rly need to image search it to know
Nah just needed proof to shame em right
Gay guy here dm
Damn shame🗣️
Dm me