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Nah that’s this other dude from newbies
You trippin
Baby I’m a fool
Baby I’m a fool for you
That’s what i thought
You wildin tho
Don’t make me go over there and put you in yo place
This tostada spicy af
That's toast in Spanish
It’s a hard shell tortilla
With chicken beans and cheese
That sounds good
Fuego my boii
Oh and it has sour cream
what is that
Tostadas my boii
A Mexican delicacy
im not cultured
but gimme
It’s like an orgasm in your mouf
love thay for your mouf
It’s spicy tho
My mouf burning
You think this is a game 🤔
We made it out the hood yall
Pay attention to the road
Head ahh
We At the Airport Gang
Where are you going, Saudi Arabia?
No i picking up my Mom from Saudi Arabia
She muslim n Everything like Durkio
Like life in prisonio
U think ur funny 😭
Hi 👋
I was wondering what the state of filth is going to be in four years.
i don’t wanna know