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Hobi & Minat/

📚Book Café 📚🍰☕

Hi Viktoria
I think I missed the book discussion again
Lol sorry for late response
>>> Are we still awake Rebel? I was, but fell asleep. I couldnt sleep
Oh! At last a book that I’ve actually read! Huzzah
Good morning
Good morning bookworms ☕📚🌥️
>>> I think I missed the book discussion again The discussion can continue Keeper - what did you think of it?
I loved it!
Good morning bookworms 🤗🤗
I also loved it 😊
There's a lot in it that is as relevant now as it was when it was written
Environmental issues especially
That’s true
And the racial stuff. Although I don’t think I’d like to be grey…
Lol yesss!
I liked that she was more herself when she was black
Yes! She embraced who she was. When that part of her was taken away, it really made an impact
From my saved notes - He had grown up in a country run by politicians who sent the pilots to man the bombers to kill the babies to make the world safe for children to grow up in.
- They washed up the dishes and went to bed. In bed, they made love. Love doesn’t just sit there, like a stone, it has to be made, like bread; re-made all the time, made new. When it was made, they lay in each other’s arms, holding love, asleep.
Also this - “Come on up with me,” he said. “It’s raining already.” In fact it was, the endless warm drizzle of spring – the ice of Antarctica, falling softly on the heads of the children of those responsible for melting it.
I really love this quote
Me too
The book reminded me a lot of the anime Deathnote. The “benevolent” human with access to powers that slowly turn him into a monster
Although Haber was corrupted way too quickly, in my opinion, to actually count as benevolent
Well he thought he was benevolent, but actually he was an egotist from the start, blind to himself
A well observed so called "alpha male" problem.
Hiii ! I’m listening to “fourth wing” at work and it just got soooo spicy lol
The audio drama is intense 😂 anyone else have this happen in public ?
fourth wing wasn’t toooooooo spicy 🤭
It’s not buuuut the audio drama had them acting the scenes out lol the moaning was a lot with my headphones on and people around
The second book is pretty good too
Goodnight bookworms 🤗🤗❤️
Sleep well
Good morning, book lovers
Good morning bookworms ☕📚🍰
Tyger 🤗🤗🤗👋
Rebel Rebel 🤗🤗🤗
I asked for a book suggestion last time I was here, but I was too late to read the responses. Can I ask again? A healing book.
Welcome, Cora
You prefer Japanese author or Korean author?
Thanks drew
This one nice