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Hobi & Minat/

👊WWE & Pro Wrestling

Aww hope you have fun 🤩
If it is not Bianca then
They're missing out
Wow have fun jigsaw
Mami got the loudest POP lmao I was happy too
Bianca is 100 percent behind it
Where was Roxanne last night
Why wasn’t she on raw
I think they might bring her full time on raw after WrestleMania or
With the draft
This world championship feud needs mami fr
Hi 👋
Oh and Ivy was so like beating up Dakota like badly for her to lose to a distraction 🤦🏻‍♀️
Mami is so 🥲
Why they punishing Ivy for🗣️
So what 😅😌
Waiting for Kairi to return
Ivy nile is so good as this heel persona
And she's so damn good in the ring
Kairi is so weak
She’s not weak
Yeah she is lol 😆
She’s actually really good
It’s creative that make her look weak
Basically Iyo had to carry their tag team
She’s not really weak at all it’s the creative
She would take the wins lol
That’s creative
Not on her though
Are we getting Roman Vrs punk vrs Rollins at Wm
I think we are
Do we think Jacob is turning on solo soon
La night vrs jimmy uso I heard to but who knows
I wanted Finn balor to win yesterday but didn’t happen
After looking at finn's record
Was there ever any doubt
We need another Strowman vs Jacob 😭
Finn Balor
Where do we go form here who’s gonna face Bronn at Wm
Pin master Finn and I actually like Finn
Finn needs his music theme back 🥺 not that garbage he has
Bring Demon Finn back!!! 😤
Leave judgment day
What if karrion kross takes over jd
I have a feeling something is brewing