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Still don’t see balding.
For a mallu guy... You're a little bald
Don't shampoo too much
>>> Don't shampoo too much hmm , maybe because i am traveling and not getting coconut oil
Are you using the web?
I am
Helloooooo secret
Hiiiii chow
>>> hmm , maybe because i am traveling and not... That must be it
*slaps everyone*
https:youtu.bezD43hknPtLc?si=ox3c5KrOAi9dyv7h visit my place
Only if a mallu girl offers me a full body massage
You look lovely
>>> Only if a mallu girl offers me a full body... no
>>> You look lovely thankyou
For the longest time I believed I was the main character of this story And then I realized everyone believes that about themselves I’m just a side character in everyone’s main story I don’t know why that realization gave me depression
Ooo I always knew I was a side character. It is a depressing feeling
Has it gone?
Has the feeling gone ??
No lol
What to do
>>> For the longest time I believed I was the ... watch one piece fan letter u will understand
One piece is trash and believe me I tried watching it
Mortycus babylonious
You cashed me baby??
All anon apps are being removed from iOS.
Dang really secret?
Wth is going on?
Hmm ios sus sus
>>> One piece is trash and believe me I tried ... no u only watched 2 episodes
Oh no! Why? To many creeps?
>>> Oh no! Why? To many creeps? no, policy violations
What violations? 🥴
Booty violations?
You are very suspicious Mr chow
so everyone using ios is leaving
Secret secrets
Hi chow
Is secret working now?
I am
Hi chow
Secret secret
How are you
Hungry now secret
Have you eaten yet?
I only had a bagel. I keep leaving my work food at home
It's ok
Ooooo nice
Hi secret
Hi Morty
Are you well beautiful?
I'm good, thank you. How are you
I’m good too babe
I’m hungry
I ate a chicken bacon ranch sub, but made a mess all over me 🙄
Let me lick you clean
Morty sussus
Oh goodness
Licky morty
i wish i had a gf