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why are you gay?
Who is gay?
Probably all of you, tbh
>>> Who is gay? u wanna fk boys u r gae and i am lesbian hi secret
I’m not Gae
Morty sus sus
Kiss me babe
I issa mis you
I regret updating tge app
What happened son
I like older layout like the one during the pandemic days
I’m tired of love
I don't wanna hear any complaining.
Ok 😞
You shouldn't have gone back with her
I know you are right. Yet I did and here I am
Have we learned yet?
moty its 3 rd time
don't go back , u foolish creature
What do you guys think happened?
Same thing. As last time?
Loving someone isn't always sunshine
Its not tug of war either.
Secret, morty
Hello chow
Heyoo secret
Muh organ hurts
I need to fix my f up sleep time soon
if she is hurting u and she is not giving same care as u just leave
or talk to her