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Amerika Utara/


Yeah you look like you from Fresno
I’m from San Gabriel valley wazzzup 🤣🤣🤣🤣🍸🍸
>>> Yeah you look like you from Fresno What’s that supposed to mean😭
You know gah damn well
Anyone down for meetup from California
There’s hella beans here tbh
I’m Mexican so i can say that
The love Here is amazing
I’m Asian. So I can say they are bad drivers. 😂
Well most
>>> I’m Mexican so i can say that Makes it less funny if you say that
I’m Asian from the waist down and the knees up
Beaner ahh
🤨😏 ladies pm
A couple weeks ago I parked In front of this old Asian ladies house and she called me a stupid Mexican
I’ve parked in front of her house every day since then cause I’m petty
think we have different definitions of what it means to be a bad driver
most of the bad drivers i see are teenagers or young guys
speeding, cutting people off, running lights, etc
I will go out of my way and walk longer if it means I park in that spot
A bad driver will rear rend someone and not know it’s happening
and they’re rarely ever asian
usually white or hispanic guys
What’s up everyone
Old Asian people can’t drive. If they are fresh from Asian country.
Asian born in United States, has a much higher probability of driving good
>>> A bad driver will rear rend someone and no... obviously, but there are a lot of other things bad drivers do that threaten the safety of pedestrians and other motorists
I dated an Asian girl for a bit and I let her drive my car. She literally struggled to shift it into drive
driving super fast for example, is extremely dangerous
The best, Asian female that I’ve seen drive a car better than all the females
How fast is fast
She was adopted by white parents
178 is fast
She drive, so damn good she’s could be a race car driver
that’s fastest I’ve been
you’re an idiot for driving 178 in the first place, sorry to say
oh it gets better
It was at night on a motorcycle with just street clothes on
Getting into an accident and over 70 mph probability of death is over 90%
the problem is you’re putting others’ lives at risk when at that speed
>>> Getting into an accident and over 70 mph p... What about at 70
US roads were not designed to allow for such high speed driving
autobahn is a different story
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