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😇Find Good Friends 🙏🏼😊

do u have to ?
Ofc i have im gonna play fifa all dau
good for u 🥲bestie
what if you receive it around 5pm
he’s been waiting for it for a whole week
gaming phone?
i also want one but dont wanna waste monry atm
i’m like really debating it
and i really wanna go visit Thailand
Me too
Take me with you 🥺
So which will you choose?
My friend tried to go to Thailand a few weeks ago and he was sent back home from the airport
All the money and plans just went down the drain
Damn that sucks
Why’re they not allowing ppl to visit some places?
I don’t blame them
Situation is so fked up that no one wants to stay here
What reason should they even stay
Everyone looks for a good future
Maybe cant If military is against public
Lag was in Thailand too
They overthrowed the pm
Idk if you know him but he used to be on here a long time ago
u mean Laguna right ? 😂
Kitt do u like the reels i send
oh well the last one is pretty cute
i’d date him 🥲
What if he was black
i’m not racist like u
AJ smh
i always have to double check if u are spooky or not
How does he know my name
maybe he’s an OG too
Do i know him
i don’t know him either so i have no idea
Idk you either lobster
i know u don’t
How about me
Hello everybody
Hello everybody