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NNorthern Colorado noco

And all I'm doing for Christmas is going to Vegas by myself
I'm just talking about work days
No counting weekend
Vegas would be nice
That's still like 8-9 days depending on if they take one of my days away again like they did for Thanksgiving
Enjoy yourself teh.
That sucks
Better than sitting at my house alone 🤷🏻‍♀️
Very true which is what I'm doing
It's what I normally do.
Good plan
Christmas for me is watching anime by myself lol
I'm on my first run of HunterxHunter
I probably will do a pizza some attach on Titan and COD
Then same for new years eve lol
I haven't decided what I'm doing for new years
All holiday things are a solo event for me. Even when the people I rent from have a party or something, I just excuse myself and go do whatever it is that Patrick does 🤷🏼
Oh I do everything alone. Holiday or not
Felt lol. Like RN I'm on D2 and there's tons of people online, but I'm sitting in a corner 😂
Also, I'm making progress
Yeah definitely
I just spent the day passing up holes in my home. From when my ex and her daughter moved out they left a bunch of holes everywhere so I've been passion those up all day with spackle
Next weekend and I'll be painting the walls
I hate painting
I don't mind it too much The biggest part was repairing some of the big holes they left in the wall
Painting is the easy part
I do want to give a shout out to Travis on winning the Heisman last night you know he is a phenomenal athlete to be able to do what he does
Welcome newbie
>>> Hour and a half left of 7 hours and I'll b... Hum it grows so fast sir
Does it completely stop the process and force you to start over
It shouldn't but curious
Nice pic
Howdy yall
Is noco dead ?
Some nights it is