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NNorthern Colorado noco

Welcome back.
the other day you know I had a ricochet biscuit A ricochet biscuit is the kind of a biscuit that's Supposed to bounce back off the wall back in your mouth Hee hee hee if it don't bounce back... hee hee you go hungry!🎵😎
Yall froze?
Another day down. Bout time for the day off. It couldn't have come fast enough
Escalator broke again huh?
Piece cake
Give him Eminem moms spaghetti in Detroit after thawed. Plz
Good luck
It's gunna be 60 here Monday and Tuesday. Bike weather 🤙🏼
It’s 64 here rn
Thank you
Just across the border in Wyoming hmu
Bren hello
whats up
And the sun
Its hot
Are you?
Its ok if you are just tone it down with a fan please
Hell ye
Dm me
Oh like touching limbs?
Or rusty spoons?
I wonder who blocked me
Hello, female from the states, I'm 25...
Are you sure?
anyone awake rn?
I prefer letting the dice roll where they may. 🤷🏼🤌🏼
Hello 👋🏽
Motorcycle ride food stop 🤌🏼