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oh nvm
thought it might be me
the problem
Mac ur one of the most normal guys on anti
rest r sissy’s
speaking of sissy's
U heard me
You're real for that <3
Nah I like how ur always backing us girls
U never lie and u keep it real
For some reason my wrist is always loose
wth is that ur arm lou
no offence
What do you mean I love bullying women because I can't talk to them in real life 😭😭😭😭
why's it hairy
Stop trolling son
I’m missing my hand
im sorry
i stand by it
Lou I'm struggling to tell what part of your body that is
You've got a fat neck it seems
can u shave ur hand pls
wax it
I’m not fat
u look rounded
u def are
def not fat
ur probably american
def are built like a fridge
@mac I also like that u back us in a non simpy way
I’m the cutest bunny
Pina why are you being so nice 😭😭😭
i'm the cutest cat
definitely american
proof sent
I’m only nice to nice people
Can confirm is the cutest
It’s just most of the guys on here r liars and ur not
Macs got an admire noice
Nah I’m just being honest