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📚Books, games, and nerdy chat

No more working! Sunderland plays soon
Yay go team ⚽️
Oh no …..
Are you watching?
I’m gonna buy you a jersey
Get a buckeye jersey lol
Cutest kitty 🤗🤗
😁 cutest piggy 🤗🤗
Whys it says chat delisted? What's that mean?
In the preview before I posted it said chat delisted
I made the room private
Ohhhhhh I see
She keeping us safe keeper of souls she is
Hello Lovely!
She's a keeper!
Best keeper
If you go on google and type in antiland followed by a room name it shows you months and months of chat history so I changed the room to private to hopefully stop more history from showing
Darthy 🤗🤗
Loki! 🤗🤗
Soul 🤗🤗
How are you both tonight?
>>> If you go on google and type in antiland f... Really? Damn my ass must be really out there if it goes that far back
>>> How are you both tonight? Kinda tipsy
I’m doing great got best company here
Gotta be careful with that. Pics also appear, apparently
Ooh, nice
You’re the bestest 🤗🤗
So are you 🤗🤗
I wanna be tipsy too. We should all drink together
I may have had enough or bad twisty might appear
Have fun I’m stuck at work 😩 lol
Shots anyone?
How much longer?
3 more hours
Damn... soon be there tho
Ooh, that’s too long
Too long indeed
Hope it whizzes by
Set fire to the building