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📚Books, games, and nerdy chat

I listen to audio books as I drive to and from work.
>>> but i mean there is some guysgals that re... I get it usually when I read anything no matter what it is,my mind just creates the scene or images of how it would be
What are you listening to?
Good morning nerds 🤗🤗
a sci fi book called summertide
Hola Yank
Good morning Colonizer 😘😘🤗 how’s your vacation going?
I need you here as an interpreter
Spanish to Kings English
Not Spanish to American English
Spain Spanish is about as compatible to Mexican Spanish as your silly English is to ours
Gmorning soul 🤗🤗
Loki! 🤗🤗
Hey el 👋
hey el colonizer
My brain was hurting the other day when the football commentators kept pronouncing Derby as “Darby” 🤦🏽‍♀️
Buenos días Guapo 😘🤗
Hi ya
Good OakCliff chode
You have a brain ?
Gmorning OakCliff chode
We’re going to my brother’s today!
Yep and it’s large enough to fit in two languages so that if I were in Spain, I wouldn’t need a translator…
Síguele la corriente, cabron
You a wanna be Mexican
Nope. That one is our line
who wrote that i cant see it
Especially since I’m probably gonna be deported soon
But now I’m thinking it might not be a bad thing
As long as you’re not going to be deported to England
Awesome have a blast and safe travels
Nope. I don’t have any ancestors in the uk
Thank you hon 🤗🤗
Your welcome 🤗🤗
Thanks goodness for that
Eww bad bonus
i always get that
We can make some descendants though…
Right? Anti hates me lately
It’s supposed to get bigger as your karma grows but I’m pretty sure I’m proof that that’s bullshit
I always get good bonuses perhaps it favours the English