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⚽️Arsenal Forever ♥️

3 goals in half an hour… Hallelujah 🙌🏼
Is it too early to get excited and say we’re winning the champions league
For once 🥹🥹🥹
1-6!!! Thank you for hosting PSV ✌️
Ye boiiiiiiiiiiiii 🥳🥳🥳 I’ll happily take Champions over Prem this year 🙂‍↕️
👀👀👀 7-1 *dances like a loonie*
When we tumped man city we then struggled thr next two games tho 😭😭
Lets just enjoy today’s massive win 🍻 🍻 🍻 🍻 🍻 🍻 🍻
Shhhhhhhhh 🤫 Think happy thoughts
Big match today… let’s fuckin go!! 🙌🤙
What do you think about today
We’re gonna smash it 💥
It’s a done deal already
But hopefully we win… for confidence sake 😁
Let’s get some goals 🙌🏼
Yup 🙌🤙
1 all 👀
8-2 don’t forget
It's ok
Gamblers know that it is preferable for arsenal to lose today 😂
9-3 woohooooooo
What a win
I actually believe we can win it
I can’t believe we won 🥸 I did not see that coming at all. Was on the edge of my seat…
Looks like Madrid is going to beat Madrid 🤓
That was harder than it should have been 🤧
What a turn of events
>>> Looks like Madrid is going to beat Madrid 🤓 🥲
Well he did experiment
Yesss 💪
Yup true
Vázquez is awful
Courtois mvp