Mans thinks he's from the hood! But lives his life on anti 😂
You seen those artifacts! Someone needs to get out 😂
Too much time on this app is what that is 😂
>>> oioi-savaloi I’m part of the Eleanor defen...
😂😂 ok simp
Alright maybe I shouldnt have outed her but I basically saved her
>>> I do the fake shuffle and say sorry mate g...
😂😂 exactly! Atleast someone is honest
>>> Tbf tho I never carry cash
They carry card readers now 👀
>>> Ur the tramp I’d never give money to
I don't need your money 😉
>>> “It’s okay boss I take contactless”
Mate i said I dont have change guy said he will give me £2 if i taped a fiver on the reader
>>> Imagine pretending to be a tramp 💀 to get...
Most of them in london do it
But Eleanor lives in a dream world
>>> i live in a dream world
Have u been to london?
They have fake homeless gangs asking for change
>>> Yes bruv bagged rs3 stage 9 remap fooking ...
Is this Bradford talk? 😂