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Yup I remember him saying that
You making a second account to comment that isnโ€™t true
Thatโ€™s not even me lmao
Wait how am I not seeing that conversation
Thoughts on Shemar Stewart?
If many know who that is
No idea
Giants got their qb. Lmao
Who lol
And he's a defensive edge for Texas AM
Jameis Winston?
Yes Winston ๐Ÿ˜‚
Great athlete but production on the field lacks major. Only 1.5 sacks in twelve games and 3 tackles for a loss.
I havenโ€™t seen much about the draft
Good luck with that Giants lol
I think theyโ€™ll be drafting sanders at 3 tho. Thereโ€™s been talk of it
If they don't rip to the next 3 years lol
It depends what Tennessee does
If they don't take Ward I'm seriously questioning them
They need more than just a qb on that team
Yeah that's for sure but at least they can get their future QB now and hope for the best in getting the rest
This app had a good run
You leaving?
Oh ok lol
But this is most likely over with
But yeah it's a dying breed now
Itโ€™s been fun lol
Yeah the first 5 years were better than the last 5 though lol
I'm willing to bet the creator is like eh I've made enough let it die if it dies lol
So you been on here since it started?
I joined in 2015 not sure exactly when it started up
I been on here since 2018
Of course I take breaks here and there though
Lots of great memories on here lol
And now I just come on whenever I can
Yeah that's true indeed lol
From pics to actually hanging out with a group of friends off here that's actually in the same state
Unfortunately there's bad memories as well
I havenโ€™t done that but cans close to it
Yeah I used to go eat lunch and stuff with a couple chicks off here just as friends though
Antiland will be gone. Theyโ€™ll have a new one, called chat anti so yโ€™all know
Itโ€™ll be the same thing ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ’€
Yeah just changing the name
Itโ€™s gonna be the same guy who made this that owns the new one coming
iOS says that arenโ€™t gonna have any anonymous chatting apps
Good thing I have Android lol