The inequality need the spotlight thrown on them
Education goes a long way. That way women are less likely to be isolated and powerless.
Educated women have the opportunity to work and be independent. They are not totally reliant on men who may or may not have their best interests at heart
I have to admit, I’ve not fact checked that, but a lot of countries are a long way behind. The likes of Afghanistan has obviously taken many steps back in recent years
Ahh, thank you for verifying
I hope no offence was taken, but I do think it’s important to ensure that the figures are correct
I noticed that Bash isn’t online. He asked the question, but doesn’t seem interested in the answe
I know we’ll never eradicate domestic abuse (from both males and females), but we can definitely reduce the amount of vulnerable women (who are more likely to suffer from DV)
Was that you Bash? Don’t like the truth?
Wouldn’t surprise me. You suddenly reappeared as she was jailed
I’d checked the room list not long previously and you were offline. Scroll up, I mentioned it
You’ve still not denied it
We were saying a lot of things you don’t agree with
So you like the fact that I was critical of Pakistan for the lack of your mother’s education?
I think you’d be pissed off because I criticised your beloved country, the one you’ve never set foot in
You don’t care women struggle to get an education?
Which leaves them open to abuse?
I’ve wasted enough time with you
It’s a user name though, which is against the rules
You have to crop those out