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📚Religion: Let’s Talk

I stated all facts and history
Oh you back
You probably insulted somebody in the group. That's usually what gets people banned
And it's always deserved. Every time without exception
Hello everyone
Don't matter truth will be out one day
A man became a woman, then won the award for , woman of the year . This only happens in USA 😁
Trump paid a pstar to sleep with him , while his wife was pregnant, and now he is president, this only happens in the USA
Anyone there???
Wait here, I’ll go check.
No such luck, I’m afraid.
Do you hear them drawing near, in their search for the sinners?
Bill clinton got his d sucked in the WH
We way past expecting politicians to be moral
When money is in bed with power, the fruits of virtue wilt on the vine
Hello gob bless you all
If you’re still focused on Clinton’s BJ, then you’re not paying attention to what is happening now.
It’s sad you believe in a “god” not all god
It’s just belief , your belief can’t change gravity
Bill Clinton and trump is the same
At least Clinton doesn’t want to f*** his daughter.
The truth is out, but you Bible thumpers just can’t see it and you’re still believing in sky angels
The truth is in not out
If there exist such a god of this horror story of human fabrication (must’ve been written by the Catholic priests. They just do them less thing for him so he can watch )The biggest narcissistic evil disgusting prick. There is think about it every day he sits back and watch his little kids get molested that’s your hero.
It’s just belief , your belief can’t change gravity
No man all of these people say it’s true because the Bible tells him it’s true but why would you believe in some monster like that anyway anyways
I mean Adolph looks like Mr. dress up compared to him
Did the priest molested, you ?
Allan is the same .
No figured things outbefore it got to that
It’s easy
Yeah, the minute you realize Santa Claus ain’t real you’ll understand that God isn’t either
Hi! How is everyone?
God isn’t
God is a Santa Claus
How is sky daddy doing ?
He’s doing the same as all the other 4000 gods absolutely nothing I mean, they must all be really lazy and useless
Like not one of them ever shown up