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📚Religion: Let’s Talk

>>> If god created everything, god created devil Yes, it's in the holy Qur'an
We are all sinners
Allah loves to kill Palestinians
I read it , but it’s boring
We do not always know why God does things
Fear mongering
>>> And yet there is so much evil in this worl... Yes evil is needed to kill another evil like hamas and Palestine
But actions of us do not always reflect the ideal state
Book god doesn’t exist
What ?
Your god wants to kill humans
That’s awful .
And Palestinians kill Israeli What’s your pint?
Sorry typo Point
Your god is awful
No they are not And neither are the Palestinians
Devils nature ? Define that
Not true
What?!?!? No they are not
It was Osama Bin Laden and his terrorist group
From Saudi Arabia
They're trolls guys stop feeding them
>>> God Will kill everyone who is against him ... What kind of god kill if we go against him, doesn't it will consider as your god is evil then 💀💀
An argument can be made we did not do enough to stop it from happening but those responsible for the attack was Osama
Or just straight racist actually
They were Saudi and Egyptian in nationality
You believe in hell , you’re going to hell for being a racist
whole world - it was osama Some random shiz dude on this app - it was israelis Yeah yeah we should listen him
You are simply factually wrong in this
No mate.
What are you talking about ?
You should break your brains out too
You should get something to eat
You know they don’t need to recover their passports to know who they were
You support Hamas What evil you support is simply disturbing
Whats with the racism , mate ?
If Palestine really wants peace they should not vote for Hamas
>>> Same what god is going to do with Israelis 😁 Yeah that's why he is waiting for whole Palestine to disappear first to do that
That’s “ god “ who wants to kill humans
Book god
Obama was well dodgy!
Hello everyone
Ask you god about it
any book god is a killing machine
How is any book god doing ?