Good morning. It’s so gorgeous
Hey! How was everyone’s day?
That’s good! I have had a rough past few days. But that’s life
Well this past weekend I felt like I haven’t since high school due to cruel people and then today I taught middle school PE
Just realized even when people are adults they can still be bullies and cruel.
And then middle schoolers suck so bad! They are awful!
It’s been 20 years since I’ve had to deal with mean girls. Didn’t realize some never grown out of it.
Other people’s children are terrible and awful and make me want to take the parents out back and beat them with a switch to remind them what discipline is.
What sucks more when it’s your neighbors and you’ve been nothing but nice to them.
Well I could do what I normally do. Kill them with kindness and make them feel guilty. Mom guilt is a powerful thing. Especially the Italian mom guilt.
They don’t deserve my baked goods or my cooking or anything I can.
You know it just hurt’s because I’m so friendly to them and I’m trying to get to know them because I don’t have many friends. And then stuff was said that I guarantee they didn’t think I was on my back deck and heard it all.
Smile, waved, open my windows when I cook and bake, invite one set of neighbors over that associate with the others and I get along with and show her and her husband how fun I am.
I honestly think the one chick who was doing the most talking is saying the stuff out of jealousy
People tend to hate on someone when they want what they have or they feel like they don’t measure up to them.
Just still sucks when you are as nice as I am and you get talked about like that.
I’m annoying and I am not as pretty as I think I am. She can’t stand my voice and makes her want to duct tape my mouth.