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Viihde & Elämäntapa/

SSelfie 6.9📸

Some is ok
Coz you have bad tastes doggo
White guys want too be rated
Ok Jesus
But fantasies yes
Ok boy hours
I just have great whites, ragged tooth's and threshers to see now
I leave you to your privacy
Are you a marine biologist
Sharks are awesome
Dive instructor
Sharks are not that cool
Have you ever heard of chief Keef?
Chief Keef is cool
Chief keef is cool
You all love sosa
No idea
Sounds like a SoundCloud rapper
Chief Keef is very cool
King von was cooler tho
Chief Keef is his generations Mozart it’s not SoundCloud rap
Chief Keef makes better music than Von king Von is just the devil 😭😭😭😭
Chief Keef sounds like he can't spell his own name
Why cause he’s black?
I don't know what ethnicity he is
The feelings von put in why he told is too real
Did you know who he made the song about like do you know the situation?
Yeah I've seen stuff about it
His co defendant told on him and then the police had no evidence to convict von other than the statements from his co defendant and eventually they couldn’t place king von at the scene but they could place him at the scene cause of all the information they gave him so he got time and king von didn’t
Sharks wouldn't do that
Sharks would fold up in the jam
Sharks would snitch after a drill
Diavoletto 😍