I don’t know
Can you repeat the question!
You’re not the boss of me now you’re not the boss of me now and you’re not so big!!!
Life is unfair😽
I just supervise you earth... No boss of you...
Life is unfair most of the time
I don’t need supervision what nonsense
I definitely should be supervised. Still a juvenile delinquent if I can get away with it. Lol
Don't listen to Drew he's a good man 😁😁
Good men are hard to find
But hard men are a good find 😂
I hear that often, but we do exist
👀 📝 the talk of good men brings people to the party lol
It’s part of our existence. If everything is being fair, people will not learn their lesson.
How do you define a good man, good person?
Not a cheater...not cruel... there's a lot that goes into that I guess
Well my first wife was a cheater. 2nd proved to be a violent narcissist, both oddly blatant liars.
I’d rather be alone than subjected to that
First of all, I’m sorry about you’ve experienced. I could say that both genders could be that character. There’s no she or he for being a cheater, narcissistic, liars and an odd person.
Thank you. But I see it as learning experience and I’m stronger for it all.
I know there’s loads of a holes out there but I won’t change who I am, I’m happy being a good fella
Thanks snd agree completely
How do you describe a good men?
As a guy I don’t know if I’m best to answer, but other than wives, I’ve never had issues.
Ignoring the subjective issues of attraction, honesty first, straight talking and no game playing. I focus on my partner and choose to spend time with her, build trust and share experiences. I’m not fixated on sport snd my friends are few, I don’t go drinking 5 times a week, in fact I’m teetotal.
I’m funny too 🤣
What makes a good man is subjective to each individual who he a judging the man.
What you consider good is subjective. There are good men out there , but wether they have the trait, qualities or personality your looking for well thats a whole ither sotry
Don’t ever let someone change you of being a good person. Do the right things and keep on being a loving heart with a good intention.
I never have. I like my values even when others let you down.
I agree with you! Personal feelings and opinions are the baseline to see the good in every man.