sexual preference is a really complex concept for your brain
according to neuroscience it doesn't take place in just quadrant of the brain but in small aspects all across the brain
it's normal for sexual attraction to ebb and flow throughout your life
labels are only helpful if they're helpful yk
dont try minimize your feelings to fit into labels, that's not what they're there for
guysguysguys can i ask for some relo advice
so i been goin on dates with someone for like 3 months now and we've drunkenly said i love you but they're very emotionally unavailable and said they want a relationship without the label but i just don't get the attention i want throughout the week and im strugglin a lil with it
they do reciprocate in person but they're not very available thru the week and we both have the tism so we get super exhausted and dont wanna talk p often
but if i like em and they like me and im not keen on anyone else its worth sticking around with em ya think?
i wanna learn how to have a secure attachment stylee
i get to see my boi todayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy