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NNew Jersey

Why keep just him
“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Peter Drucker
Some people are like thermometers, and some people are like thermostats
Some allow the temperature to set their mood and others decide to set the temperature
People are like the sun and snow, Some bring warmth wherever they go. Others chill with a frosty air, Yet both have beauty they share. For life needs both, the cold and heat, To shape the world and make it sweet. In every heart, a season lives, Each with its own warmth to give.
thanks shakespeare 👍
Hello 👋🏻
Hey =)
Hi there Philly girl
Hey pigeon
My dream job is hooters but my grandparents would kick me out and I have nowhere to go so 😭
That’s bad
Oh boy 🤦🏻‍♂️
>>> My dream job is hooters but my and my hairy legs look terrible in stockings
I’d give u a place to go
How about you study something? Dr. In Plastic surgery made will suit you
I'm SOOOO down to cuddle!!! And, honey, if things get a lil' extra hot 'n' heavy... ain't nobody judgin' over here, 'kay? Who's wit' me? Let's get this cuddle party started
i'm in
Well then
well what
hey mama
Get it gramps
if i could I would
message me for fun !
for fun means she charges usually
i don’t charge
I'll pass
I need help
Where’d my popcorn 🍿 go lol
Im trumps top guy
Please report all illegal migrants to your local ICE field office
Pass me some please 👋🏻