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Anonymous Chat Rooms, Dating roleplay game with random strangers online
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Okay have a good day
Hiii 🥰
What’s up
How was everyone’s ice storm today?
Gonna do my nails tommrow
Day off
Why day off
Why day off!?!!
nails should already be done
I'm a broke girl
no excuses
how u always working but say you’re broke
I guess i don't got my life together =(
It's tuff 😭
MLK is today so was confused why tomorrow is off
paint those nails
Not everything is closed?
tmrw isn’t off she’s just 1 day behind
Tommrow my toes will be done 😋
Why do I even bother trying to make sense here 😂
Going to see if they can draw swerve on my thumb
id rather cheeks but forehead works too
What? Me?
wym me
what else could i possibly have been replying to
Some hot chocolate sounds good rn
Hey ladies
a cold beer works too
Hot chocolate for me as well
Mmm gimme gimme gimme
Don’t give me that. Give me hot melty chocolate
alr i’ll stick a candy bar in the microwave just for you
Cook fresh hot chocolate for me
1 chocolate mac n cheese coming right up
Mac and cheese deep dish pizza