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GGirls 🔥 4 Older Men

lol is that it? 😂
Yeah, I already have a burger from In and Out ready for meee
Is that your fav place for burgers and onion rings?
in-n-out 🤮
I never been there so I'm sure they're good. Would love to see pic of the burgers to imagine how do they look (or taste by imagination) 😂
Noooooo not the slander of in and out 😩😩😩 (The burgers get soggy sometimes and the wait in the drive thru makes me scream)
Howdy everyone
Not too bad; yourself?
Just getting to bed
Must be tired? it's afternoon here; still long time to go for bed.
Hi guys
What’s up
Good morning 🤟🏻
As someone who grew up on the east coast and moved out west, they were a huge disappointment
It really depends on what you're used to or your taste buds. I mean, there are foods I love now that I used to hate! Sometimes, the first time you try something, it’s not great, but later you realize it’s actually pretty good. So yeah, there’s no black-and-white rule when it comes to food.
Good evening
Good evening @Rica
Hello Mrmet
Hi all
Morning all
Good morning
Good morning ☀️
Good “modaev” everyone 👋🏼 MOrning DAy EVening
Hi pure
Hi Kong
Good morning 👋👋👋
Do you ever chat?
Hi Bighead
Angelika sparks….welcome to the room
the QoD: Have you ever asked someone out on a date or yourself been asked out on a date, in a funny way?
No, I don't remember that but would be nice to ask in a funny way, why not.
Good afternoon everyone
Good morning ☀️
Hi guys 👋🏼