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Anonyme Chaträume, Rollenspiel und Dating mit zufälligen Fremden online
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Gelegentliches Dating/

GGirls 🔥 4 Older Men

Whats up?
Reading stuff on another site and checking back here to see if anyone wants to chat
Any questions?
Hi mvs. Where are you from?
California, Los Angeles
What about you?
Anyone awake
I’m awake
Probably going to fall asleep soon tho
Still awake getting a bit sleepy
If nobody has questions, I’m going to sleep
What sort of questions
Anything you want to ask
G’morning mvs 🤗
Sweet dreams hon
Good morning 🤟🏻
Hello 🙋🏼‍♂️
How’s it going ?
Good morning
🆕 room name? 😔
>>> 🆕 room name? 😔 Big sad
Love the room name
Who changed the room 😂
More important what was it before
Unnamed kickstarter fund project xe
Yes it does!!!
I agrrr
Agree even
Still wanna know what it was
Girls 🔥 4 older men I think
So we changed because no more girl,sux
I do t like it.
Do not*
No I’m not keen
Is Pure ok with it?
Hi everyone
I think Pure changed it
Fair enough
This app is destroying itself not letting us know the path forward now the app has been removed from App Store.
>>> Is Pure ok with it? Pure changed the room name in protest of anti dropping iOS users and from messaging