It doesn’t really matter what it sounds like to you because it is my journey and not wouldn’t know what’s fulfilling to others if you haven’t walked their path
If you manage those expectations, you won’t be disappointed
Folks get terribly hurt because they were promised a future together and their hopes were dashed when things go wrong…still pining for that impossible future together just hurts more than moving on in life. The sun will always set and rise, regardless what happens. Enjoy 🌅
If there’s one thing I learnt from those accusations from an abusive or narcissistic partner, it was actually a projection of themselves unto us.
The gaslighting was too much too.
Makes us doubt ourselves or feel not good enough and overthink, so tiring to walk on eggshells 247 not knowing when they’ll just find fault with us..
That’s so true Ms Alzola!! They don’t even feel guilty if they made you cry to sleep
Then comes the silent treatment phase..urghh
I felt that to the very core of my being 😔😣
They had zero remorse or guilty conscience for what they did and we are the ones questioning ourselves 😔
If you had been abused financially, you are basically supply for them..defo ILoveYou = IUseYou
😢maybe..the people and lessons we meet eventually become blessings as we learn from them
Take your time to heal & thrive 😎🫰🏻
Me too 🫶thanks for baby pandas! Too cute!
Your gf would eventually know and she’ll choose to be out of your life asap forbeing a selfish liar and hurting her. Men like you are the reason good & faithful ladies need to heal themselves. Nonetheless, karma is real. Good luck being selfish in life for purely lust and not love, ED is real too.
Means he has a new supply and you truly have to move on
Do your good friends know you actually cheat on your girlfriend?