Some people don’t have filters
Lots of ladies like to chat
I lost weight and my granny said I looked sick 😭
Nothing movitates the human condition than shame and condemnation
Grinding over the summer, I lost Hella weight
Cabe you can’t say shiiiiiiii you’ve literally never seen me ho
U got all kinds of tramp stamps tatted on ur large frame
I made cinnamon rolls from scratch the other day
You’ve seen my arm THATS IT
If memory serves one says proude to be obese
I would share w u if I could
There are too many for me
U once posted I’m the dome 🤢
Where’s the white sauce 👀
Cabe why is a married man in the dome
I made the maple cream cheese after the pic. Lemme see
So you know mama THICCCCCC
Followed a link not knowing any better
I don’t use thst word. Ur fat. Nothing great about being obese
Wut do I name my kitten i need suggestions please 🙏
I recently named mine el chapo Guzman lowers