As long as we together ❤️ ✨️
Are you Iphone users still alive 👀
Did they rearrange the last shop, or this app new one?
Where I did my work training
That's awesome! It looks beautifully cluttered with nik-naks and cute little socked feet
Nights are still chilly but it’s supposed to hit 13 c tomorrow 🥳
Ooh, that's perfect cuddle weather
Not too cold, but not warm enough to really want to leave the bed
It’s still only the beginning of sprrrring, birds have started boinking
Good for them! That's why they always sing and seem so chirpy in Spring 😂
Are you sure you don't want to come and enjoy the warm weather here for a while until it warms to more there?
I love spring, why would I leave without seeing seasons change