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Hobbys & Interessen/

☕️The Banter Hill

You're embarrassing yourself
Carry on
resorting to age and hairline insults? Classic. Next, you gonna tell me to touch grass?
Wow, detective work at its finest 🤣
Why are you even here if ya hate all of us
Sure sure
Take it somewhere else then
Stop this nonsense
Coward lol >> 🎁🌹 >> I AM OCTO 🌙 (+₭500)< [rose][35][25]
What on earth
Ya you can say that again
Octo would you love me if I was flipping burgers
I'd love you if you were any kind of food
I wouldn’t be the food, silly man
I got a job interview at a grill on Monday lmao
Not where I ever envisioned myself but I could do it for a while
Maybe you'd like it
I enjoy talking to people, not sure about being locked up on a box full of sausages
Food makes people happy so in a way you're making them happy
Yes that’s the appeal
Maybe you'll get a daily grumpy customer
It’s right next to where the taxi drivers hang so I’m sure I’d have at least one strange man to talk to
Then you'll come home very greasy 😋
Now.. how's your weekend miss tingling
It is full of work
Which is a shame cos the sun is very much here and I looked forward to cleaning my bike
I'm at work too
That makes me feel better
I have two hours until I have to be there
Another shame cuz it's cloudy just how I like it
>>> That makes me feel better You make me feel better
I like how the sun is your enemy when it’s what gives my soul life at the moment
I like the sun but not directly
She's kinda of a B here
I can’t imagine
I spoke to a tree yesterday cos I needed it to be green
Class in 15
Did you hug it
I should’ve hugged it and whispered something about refugees and boycotts
How sweet of you to give advice on micro penos life
Would you tell a tree about me
I would
Every day
As would I
You should get ready to work
Breakfast and coffee unless you gonna fast with me today
I can’t work without breakfast
So you gonna skip work huh 🤔
Lmao what
I can’t afford that
Do you get paid daily
I’d give you a hug if I could
Smooches a goodbye*
I'd appreciate your hug bby
I hate online teaching
Now I wait
I thought you were gonna meet actual people of flesh
Online seems strange lmao
The class after it is face to face
Ya I feel like I'm talking to myself
Good, you need the people training 🤗
Lmao thanks ig
I truly love you tingy
Aw softie
If no one show up to my online class get ready to learn about nonparametric data analysis
That sounds.. useful
They coming bye 👋
Baiii bby
You made my morning a lil more pleasant
Is that a joke about my micro pennso
No but thanks for ruining the moment
I need to su sometimes
Please don’t
Awww 🥺
I forgot to ask you what you’re wearing
I got ya bby
Spiffy Saturday
Very professional